launched Wednesday, July 28th after a year and a half of development and content creation. The site was built by a two-man designer/developer team from the New England. We hope the site will be a welcome addition to the collector community.
At launch, the site offers the experience of browsing a largely complete, photo-centric Star Wars Kenner catalog with some very basic information for all figures, vehicles and creatures.
The site also has a mostly complete list of Hasbro’s The Vintage Collection items, with a growing collection of photographs (still a significant number of images from complete as of this post). We do not yet have a lot of information about accessories for figures, and we are not focusing on variant listings.
Our focus for content thus far has been on 3.75″ (1/18) scale figures. We do not have a 6″ figure checklist or related content at this time, but are open to it should willing contributors come on board. Other Hasbro lines will be added to the menu of the site if and when they have a respectable list for people to see.
Here’s what’s unique about Star Wars Collect
We allow approved members to contribute new items (we just ask them to provide a social link or website where we can verify their role in the community).
Users can create lists within any collection for what they have, want, don’t need, and even need accessories for – so they can have an interactive visual checklist of aspects of their collection.
We have some cross-collection links such as master Playsets, Creatures and Vehicles pages, with some vehicle sub-sections such as mini-rigs, spaceships, etc.
We welcome the opportunity for custom produced lines – for launch there is a sample selection of Stan Solo, Cardboard Galaxy, and Smith Lord Creations figures listed on the website. Custom producers can add their own content as well.
The database is built from an arsenal of community-contributed photos which provides a lot of variety and highlights different contributor’s creativity
We have a store where users can register to add products and sell them (potentially circumventing higher seller rates at ebay / mercari etc) – we believe a community-driven platform like this could be a fun and targeted place for buying and selling star wars collectibles. This part of the site we would say is in beta but the core experience should be functioning as expected.
We do not at this time list reproduction figures that match original Kenner figures (or any other official manufacturer, should Hasbro repro figures one day come to be). What you’ll see from custom producers is solely a focus on “new” or “unreleased” figures/characters in addition to new variations of any character such as a silver protocol droid for example.
In addition to front-end “adding new items” to the database, we can authorize trusted community members the freedom to also edit existing items from the front-end, should they come across a mistake or missing information.
We realize there are many collector resources, and we are huge fans of the work that, and among many other websites have done. These websites are treasures and each offer unique approaches and benefits. The Community Links page on the site compiles awesome resources like these for collectors.
Just a final note to share that is a labor of love, and not a business model in any way. We are collectors / fans of the genre and believe this would be a really fun thing to build and share.
We appreciate any support and welcome you to join us!